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Website Privacy Statement

Chartwell Retirement Residences and its affiliates (collectively, "Chartwell") are committed to the proper management of the personal information of all visitors to this website (the "Site").

The practices set out in this privacy statement (the “Statement”) seek to balance the individual’s right to the privacy of his or her personal information and Chartwell’s need to collect, use or disclose personal information for legitimate business purposes.



We follow 10 principles when collecting, using and disclosing your personal information:

  1. We are accountable for personal information under our control.
  2. The purpose for collecting personal information is identified at or before the time it is collected.
  3. 除法律另有许可或规定外,我们在收集、使用或披露您的个人资料前,会征得您的同意。
  4. We limit the personal information we collect to that which is necessary for us to conduct business.
  5. The personal information we collect is only used, disclosed or retained for its original intended purpose (unless you provide your consent to a different use or disclosure) and we retain it only as long as necessary for those purposes.
  6. We take care to ensure that the information we have is accurate.
  7. 我们通过安全措施保护您的个人信息隐私。
  8. 我们向您公开与管理您的个人信息相关的政策和做法。
  9. Upon request, we provide you with access to your personal information, subject to any limitations imposed by law.
  10. We address your concerns. If you have questions or concerns regarding your privacy or this Statement please contact us as described below.

Your Consent

By providing us with your personal information, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of that information as described in this Statement.



Collection of Personal Information

We will not collect personal information indiscriminately. We will limit the amount and the type of information we collect to that necessary to fulfill the purposes we have identified to you, or as otherwise permitted or required by law.

We collect and use personal information:

  • to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for employment;
  • to offer and provide seniors housing–related services to you or a family member and to communicate with you about Chartwell and our services;
  • to offer and provide information relating to Chartwell, such as unit trading values, public documents and press releases; and
  • as permitted or required by law or for purposes for which you otherwise provide your consent.


Internet Service Provider

Certain other information may be collected on the Site through various technologies, described below, without your actively providing the information.

Our website is hosted on services shared with an Internet service provider (ISP). Any personal information collected on our behalf by the ISP, such as server log data (see below), is managed in accordance with this Statement and is protected by applicable law.

Certain information about Internet users’ traffic patterns is passively and automatically collected and linked to users’ Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. These unique IP addresses are assigned to all Web users by their ISPs, and are automatically logged by Internet servers. While the IP address itself does not identify an individual, it may, in appropriate circumstances such as an investigation of a security breach, be used with the cooperation of the ISP to locate and identify an individual using the website.

Server Logs

In the normal course of establishing and maintaining Internet connections, our servers automatically log information about visits on our website. Server logs record statistical information, such as a visitor’s IP address and type of operating system, the time and duration of visit and Web pages requested. The server logs also identify categories of visitors by items such as domain and browser type. These statistics are reported in aggregate form to us and are used to improve our website and ensure that it provides the optimal online experience for visitors.

We do not link server log information to any other data in a way that would enable us to identify individual visitors, except for security purposes, as discussed above.


与许多其他网站一样,本网站可能使用“每会话”cookie技术。每个会话cookie是一个小的文本文件,包含一个唯一的识别号码,自动存储在访问者的计算机上。这些cookie在打开会话期间跟踪信息,并且仅临时存储在计算机的内存中。这些信息有助于我们确定持续访问本网站的用户总数,以及用户使用的互联网浏览器(如Netscape Navigator或Internet Explorer)和操作系统(如Windows或Macintosh)的类型。我们使用这些信息来促进和加强您的网上访问。我们不会将此信息与任何自愿提供的个人信息进行交叉比对。

The use of cookie technology is common on the Internet, and many Internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies automatically. If you would prefer not to accept cookies, you can set our Internet browser to notify you when your computer is receiving a cookie or to refuse cookies automatically. To readjust your internet browser’s cookie options, please refer to the instruction documentation of your particular browser or seek online assistance.

Third Party Analytics and Tracking

This Site uses a web analytics service that may record mouse clicks, mouse movements, scrolling activity as well as any text you type in this website. This service does not collect personally identifiable information that you do not voluntarily enter in this website. The service does not track your browsing habits across web sites which do not use the web analytic service. We are using the information collected by the web analytic service in order to improve user experience. You can choose to disable the service

Chartwell also works with trusted third parties that use tracking technologies to deliver advertisements to our website visitors on various sites across the Internet. These companies may use cookies and tracking pixels to collect non-personally identifiable information such as pages viewed during your visit to our website in order to help show advertisements likely to be of interest to you. You can opt out of a third party vendor’s use of cookies at; Chartwell uses Google Analytics for remarketing and display advertising. You can opt out of Google Analytics at

Use of Personal Information

We use personal information only as described in this Statement or as otherwise permitted or required by law. Before your personal information is used or disclosed for a new purpose, we will ask for your consent unless use or disclosure without your consent in the circumstances is otherwise permitted or required by law.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We disclose personal information only as described in this Statement or as otherwise permitted or required by law.

We may share your personal information with our affiliates and partners.

Your personal information may be accessed or stored in Canada or another jurisdiction, and will be subject to the laws of that jurisdiction.

Retention of Personal Information

Chartwell will retain information, including personal information, for as long as it is needed for the purposes for which it was collected. For example, if you send us personal information electronically to apply for employment with Chartwell, we will retain your personal information for a reasonable period to permit future consideration for employment. Chartwell may also be subject to legislative requirements regarding the retention of certain types of information.

Your Access to Your Personal Information

You can ask to view your personal information by writing to the Privacy Officer, whose address and link are provided at the end of this Statement. You can request that corrections be made where you can show that the information we possess is inaccurate. Please note that under certain circumstances, you may not be permitted to view your records – for example, where the disclosure of your records would cause security, legal or confidentiality concerns.

Links to Other Websites



Chartwell complies with Canada’s Anti-Spam legislation and we are committed to ensuring you do not receive unsolicited electronic messages. In the event you receive any messages from Chartwell that may be considered spam or if you would like a copy of Chartwell’s Anti-Spam Policy, please contact Chartwell’s Privacy Officer at the address below.

Social Media Terms of Use

Chartwell maintains social networking channels to engage, share and communicate with our stakeholders in a respectful manner.

We reserve the right to monitor, comment on and decide appropriate action on all content posted on Chartwell social media sites. We reserve the right to block a user or remove a fan from our sites should any posted content or comments not meet our standards. To read our full Social Media Terms of Use, please visit the About Us section on our Facebook page.

Changes to This Privacy Statement


More Information about Chartwell Privacy Practices

Please contact Chartwell’s Privacy Officer with any questions or concerns you have about this Statement or Chartwell’s handling of your personal information. We will investigate and respond to your concerns.

Privacy Officer
7070 Derrycrest Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
Canada L5W 0G5
Tel: (905) 501-9219
Fax: (905) 501-9107