Dr. Amy Case Study: Rediscovering an active, social lifestyle in your retirement years


I had the pleasure of chatting with Rose about how her life has changed since she and her husband, Bernard, moved into Chartwell Pickering City Centre in December of 2015.Prior to moving, Rose and Bernard had lived in their home for 40 years.

Rose told me that when they first moved into Chartwell Pickering City Centre,她发现很难适应。她想念她的家,那里熟悉的环境和日常生活——尽管她知道搬家是正确的。罗丝在决定搬家前停了车,她和伯纳德发现很难下车。他们发现自己在家的时间越来越多了。当他们的孩子和孙子孙女定期来看他们的时候,罗斯和朋友们聚在一起的次数越来越少。就像人们在这种情况下会发生的那样,他们的世界变得越来越小。

Once they moved, it took Rose a few months to really settle into her new life. Now she now loves it! She’s joined an exercise class that takes place in the pool at the community centre next door, and likes the fact that she can walk or take a taxi to the mall and the library.

Rose is a very social person, and she and her husband found it easier to make friends at their retirement community than they expected. Rose loves to go downstairs mid-morning to sit with her new neighbours and chat over a cup of tea and a muffin. She also enjoys the entertainment provided by the residence. For example, recently a children’s choir performed and the mayor came for the concert to hear his grandchild sing. Rose chatted with the mayor and told him, “In case you’re looking for a place for when you get older, this is the place to come.” That’s certainly a ringing endorsement of how much she values living at Chartwell Pickering!

There are several other things Rose told me she likes about her new life. She spoke very highly of staff and noted how friendly they are. She mentioned how much she likes her suite, the view of the park across the street, and how conveniently located it is. She and Bernard are also impressed with the meals and the menu variety.

Moving to a retirement residence from the home where we raised our children and lived for many years can be a significant change. Even when the change is good and leads to a better life, it still involves a loss. And when we experience loss, it is normal to recognize that loss. Those feelings don’t mean the change was the wrong one to make; it’s simply a part of the process of letting go and making room for new experiences.

It can be helpful to know about people like Rose who have gone through this process. She is a great example of how a person’s life can expand when they move to a retirement residence. When I talked with Rose, the happiness in her voice told me just as much about how she feels about her new life as her description of how she fills her days.


Dr AmyAbout Dr. Amy D’Aprix

Dr. Amy is a certified senior advisor, Vice President of the International Federation on Aging, and Co-Founder of the Essential Conversations Project. As a gerontological social worker, she has over thirty years of experience working with older adults and their families.