7 ways intergenerational connections promote seniors’ health

Excerpt:Intergenerational programs that foster stronger connections between seniors and younger generations offer a wide range of cognitive, emotional, and physical health benefits for older adults. Studies show that intergenerational connections lift mood, sharpen mind and memory, and reduce social isolation. Active participation in intergenerational programs also boosts health, improves self-esteem, and helps older adults find meaning and purpose.

6月1日是加拿大的代际日。* This special day was launched in 2010 to celebrate the richness ofintergenerational relationshipsand to encourage connections between older adults and younger generations.

Intergenerational programs—such as seniors teaching children to grow vegetables in a community garden, young people providing computer support for older adults, and university cohabitation programs thatconnect students with older adultswho have living space available—offer a wide range of mental, emotional, and physical health benefits for older adults,* advises McMaster University. Children, teens, and young adults involved in intergenerational programs also gain significant cognitive, emotional, social and physical benefits through their interactions with older adults,* according to Generations United.

Here are some of the benefits that result when older adults and younger generations connect:

  1. Lift mood and ease depression.Active, involved older adults with close intergenerational connections consistently report much less depression,* according to the Toronto-based Legacy Project. Spending quality time with grandchildren while they are children and sharing more bonding moments lowers the risk of depression among grandparents, reported aJournal of the American Gerontological Societystudy.
  2. Sharpen mind and memory.Social engagement through intergenerational programs is associated with improved thinking and memory, and may protect against age-related decline in the hippocampus,* a brain area involved in memory, reported anInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatrystudy.
  3. Decrease social isolation.根据乔治华盛顿大学的研究*,感到被社会孤立的老年人有健康问题的风险。一项跨代社会参与项目,其中高中生拜访退休生活社区的老年人,减少了老年人的社会孤立。*研究还显示,参与代际项目的老年志愿者表示,他们有更多的社会支持、联系感和社区归属感。*
  4. Boost physical health.Older adults who participate in intergenerational programs have fewer falls, reduced frailty, increased strength, balance, and mobility.* Seniors who regularly tutored students in urban public schools through the Experience Corps program improved their mobility, stamina, and flexibility, and maintained good overall health longer,* reported Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
  5. Increase self-esteem.Studies of older adults who participate inintergenerational educational, arts and crafts, information technology and cultural heritage programsshow improvements in their self-esteem and greater satisfaction with life.*
  6. Find meaning and purpose.When older adults volunteer to work with children, it cultivates a sense of meaning and purpose,* according to a Stanford University study.
  7. Be happier.Older adults who had stronger connections with younger generations were three times as likely to be happy,* reported a Harvard University study.