8 ways a cheerful outlook leads to healthy aging

Excerpt:People with a sunny outlook enjoy better mental and physical health, and they are generally more resilient in coping with challenges and setbacks. Studies show that an optimistic attitude helps to protect the heart, reduces stress and anxiety, and boosts immunity. Accentuating the positive is also good for brain health, lifts mood, increases longevity and improves sleep.

People who have asunny outlookenjoy better mental and physical health, and greater life satisfaction,* according to the National Institutes of Health and a study inEmotion.A positive mindset doesn’t mean people never feel negative emotions, such as sadness or anger, (NIH). But optimists find a healthy balance between positive and negative thoughts and emotions, which helps them bounce back from difficulties faster.*


Here are some important ways a cheerful outlook contributes to better physical, emotional, and cognitive health for older adults:

  1. Protect your heart.根据加拿大心脏与中风协会的数据,心态积极的人患心脏病的风险降低了35%。对于那些患有稳定型心脏病的人来说,乐观和快乐等积极的品质能将心脏病发作的几率降低近40%。*
  2. Reduces stress and anxiety.Positive thinkingand optimism help to manage stress and reduce anxiety.* Fortunately, people can learn positive thinking skills by practicing more positive self-talk—the stream of unspoken thoughts that runs through your mind—and less negative self-talk.*
  3. 提高免疫力。Older adults who focused on positive information more than negative information had stronger immune systems, as indicated by antibodies measured in their blood, and they showed better immune function two years later,* according to aPsychology and Agingstudy.
  4. Nurtures brain health.Accentuating the positiveand reducing repetitive negative thinking lowers the risk of developing dementia,* reported a University College London study. The researchers suggest mindfulness training, meditation and targeted talk therapy can help curb negative thinking and foster a positive mindset. APsychological Science研究发现,开朗、热情的人不太可能随着年龄的增长而出现记忆力衰退。*
  5. Lifts mood and lowers depression risk.Older women with an optimistic outlook had a 27% lower risk developing depression over a 10-year period than those who were less optimistic,* reported a 2022European Journal of Epidemiologystudy.
  6. Leads to longer life.Women across different ethnic and racial groups who showed higher optimism were more likely to live beyond 90,* reported a 2022Journal of the American Geriatrics Societystudy. A Harvard University study found optimistic men and women were up to 70% more likely to live to age 85 or older, and had an 11% longer lifespan.*
  7. Eases chronic pain.Older adults diagnosed with chronic pain, who were positive thinkers, experienced less pain daily than those with a negative outlook, who experienced more severe pain and disability,* reported a Cornell University study.
  8. Improves sleep.Optimistic people slept longer and were about 75% more likely to report good sleep quality and no insomnia,* according to aBehavioral Medicinestudy.