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You’re never too old to become a plant parent – no green thumb required, and the health and happiness benefits are many and varied. Check out these plants with purpose, each one offering a specific benefit while also being easy to grow and maintain.
Bertha Holtby, better known as “Birdie” to friends and family, has been a resident of Chartwell Southwind for the past 16 years, and is likely one of the first people you’ll meet if you choose to call the retirement residence home.
Are you thinking of travelling again? If so, your next journey may look a little different from pre-pandemic times. Here are three tips that will make your journey safer, less stressful, and more enjoyable:
If you‘ve fallen into believing your individual efforts to go green won’t make a difference, think about your grand- and great-grandchildren, and the kind of world they will inherit. Also consider that there are over seven million people over 65 in Canada today*; if every senior were to implement even one of the following eco-friendly suggestions, think of the difference it would make!
Tracing your family roots or ancestry – the study of genealogy – ranks in the top 30 of the world’s most popular hobbies.* Many seniors enjoy jumping on popular ancestry websites to create their family trees, track down distant relatives, and discover fascinating lore about where they came from.
对一些老年人来说,搬到养老院是一个挑战——这是可以理解的。对未知的恐惧是常见的,但这重要的一步也可能充满奇妙的惊喜。Chartwell Cité-Jardin居民Ella Danis就是这样。
People with a sunny outlook enjoy better mental and physical health, and they are generally more resilient in coping with challenges and setbacks. Studies show that an optimistic attitude helps to protect the heart, reduces stress and anxiety, and boosts immunity. Accentuating the positive is also good for brain health, lifts mood, increases longevity and improves sleep.
Health Canada advises older adults get at least 2.5 hours of moderate-to-vigorous aerobic activity each week, in sessions of at least 10 minutes at a time. They also recommend adding bone and muscle-strengthening exercise twice a week,* especially useful for balance and preventing falls.
According to Statistics Canada, the 85+ group also has unique health care and housing needs that will require a range of solutions: “An increasing number are no longer living in private dwellings and need different types of housing options, such as seniors’ residences at first, and nursing care facilities as they get older,” Statistics Canada reports.
Headaches affect about half of adults globally and preventive non-drug strategies can be effective in helping to relieve headache pain and improve quality of life. Low-impact exercise, meditation, and other relaxation techniques can prevent or ease headaches by reducing stress and unwinding tight muscles. Getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, staying hydrated, and avoiding headache triggers can also help to prevent or reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.
Intergenerational programs that foster stronger connections between seniors and younger generations offer a wide range of cognitive, emotional, and physical health benefits for older adults. Studies show that intergenerational connections lift mood, sharpen mind and memory, and reduce social isolation. Active participation in intergenerational programs also boosts health, improves self-esteem, and helps older adults find meaning and purpose.

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